The Salt Company is the college ministry of Doxa Church in Madison, Wisconsin. It is open to all college students in the area, but is specifically focused on University of Wisconsin students. We are a part of the Salt Network, a group of churches and college ministries in major university centers throughout the Midwest. Together, close to 3,000 college students gather every week to worship Jesus.
The Salt Company is all about Jesus. We believe he actually lived, died, and rose from the dead. That changes everything about who we are and how we live. Salt Company consists of a weekly large group gathering and weekly small group gatherings called Connection Groups. Starting Fall 2018, The Salt Company will gather every Thursday on campus to praise our Savior and hear from the Scriptures. Throughout the week, we gather in Connection Groups for the purpose of growing as friends and figuring out how to follow Jesus together.
Ultimately, The Salt Company exists to help people share the gospel and our lives for the glory of God and the good of UW. Religious background or not, you are invited to come experience God and community with us.